In this workshop, we will explore creative outlets to aid in our Meditation practice. Students will have the opportunity to create a mala bracelet and will receive coloring sheets and a handout to continue these practices at home.
MALA – Mala beads are a type of prayer and meditation bead. Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, and Catholicism all have a variation of prayer beads (‘worry beads’ or rosary). In today’s practice, most are used as a form of meditation without religious affiliation.
MANDALA – in Hindu and Buddhist faiths, mandalas are a symbolic diagram used in the performance of sacred rites and as an instrument of meditation.
COLORING – Coloring has been proven to calm the brain and help your body relax. Sitting down for a coloring session can be compared to a physical yoga practice (asana) as the same mind-body connection.
All supplies will be provided.
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